- What was your first need?
Our first objective was to make a shaping tool for the manufacturing of cardboard containers. This modelling tool allows the personalisation of the press that gives the cardboard box a specific form. It is a 140 x 140 x 50 mm piece. We have this need once every three months.
We used SketchUp.
- What material was used to print the tool, and for which reason?
PETG gave a very satisfying result over time. Indeed, we needed to use a polymer that resisted friction and that was safe for food contact.
- How did you determined the various manufacturing settings (layer thickness, POSITIONNing, infill rate, ETC…)?
We trusted eMotion Tech, who, given the small number of details required for the piece, chose to print it with a 0.8 mm nozzle, 0.4 layer thickness and 20% filling.

- Did the part have to be printed in several parts? If so, how many? Was it printed all at once on the same bed or various prints?
Only one piece was needed.
- How much time did the print last?
It lasted for 4 hours and 30 minutes.
- What benefits did you see in using the Strateo3D to print this part?
The printing cost was extremely low and the reactivity with a realisation period that could not have been shorter.
- Could you compare it with another manufacturing method (TiMe, COsT, ETC…)
We used to manufacture this piece using machining, so it was taking about a week to get the piece and it was costing us about 150€. Thanks to the Strateo3D we get the piece for the ridiculously material cost of 4€.
Mathieu CAVÉ,
Cartonnage Larré company